Happy Halloween
No trick-or-treaters means more candy for me. And I have plenty. I bought peanut butter cups, inside-out peanut butter cups, Kit-Kats, Snickers and Hershey’s with almonds. True, our office had a Halloween party for kids, but I still only had about eight trick-or-treaters past my desk. I let them have as much candy as they wanted. That was fun. Little kids are sneaky. Even when the parents told them to take just one, they would say trick or treat again when their mom or dad wasn’t looking.
Our black cat is acting all spooky for Halloween. He is being more ornery than normal, climbing on stuff and knocking things over in rooms that we are not in.
I carved a jack-o-lantern for Halloween. We bought one of those carving kits, and I decided to do a bat. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a little too hard for me (it was rated m
oderate). It is supposed to look like this. But it did not go that easily for me. First, I ripped through one of the small delicate pieces. I fixed that with straight pins. Then when I was trying to cut out the background, I knocked the bat completely out of the bat cave. I reattached it with a bunch more pins. I got it back in, even though it was hanging by a thin shred of pumpkin guts. Finally, I was done. Then, when no one was looking, our dog calmly walked over and bit most of the right wing off. And swallowed it. I think I will stick to carving pumpkins here.
Happy Halloween everyone!
Our black cat is acting all spooky for Halloween. He is being more ornery than normal, climbing on stuff and knocking things over in rooms that we are not in.

Happy Halloween everyone!
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